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Choose Chiropractic Care for Drug-Free Arthritis Treatment

Written By Millville Chiropractic Center on August 23, 2021

Arthritis TreatmentArthritis is a condition that involves inflammation of one or more joints. There are many different types of arthritis. Although arthritis is not curable, there are effective arthritis treatment options available to patients. Arthritis treatment often includes drugs, yet these can cause side effects and may not fully manage symptoms. Instead, the doctors at Millville Chiropractic Center offer drug-free arthritis treatment that can improve quality of life for our patients.

The Many Types and Challenges of Arthritis

There are more than 100 different types of arthritis. The most common types include rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA). RA develops when the immune system mistakenly begins to attack the joints. OA involves the breakdown of the cartilage in the joints. The symptoms of arthritis can vary from one patient to the next (and depend heavily on the type of arthritis), but some of the most common challenges include the following:

  • Chronic joint pain and stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Decreased range of motion and flexibility

Some types of arthritis, such as RA can cause systemic symptoms like fatigue, fever, and loss of appetite. When left untreated, arthritis can sometimes lead to permanent damage.

Chiropractic Care as an Effective Arthritis Treatment

Although arthritis symptoms can be difficult to live with, chiropractic care can optimize the function of affected joints. As a result, patients can enjoy a better quality of life without the constant pain and discomfort. Specifically, chiropractic care reduces inflammation and pain, while improving flexibility and range of motion. What’s more, chiropractic care can accomplish these benefits without the need for drugs, injections, or surgery.

Chiropractic treatment is unique among medical disciplines because it focuses on the relationship between the structure of a body part and its function. When a body part is not properly aligned, for example, it won’t be able to function as it should. In the case of arthritis, structural misalignments of the joints result in poor nerve functioning and the development of inflammation. By aligning the joints properly, chiropractic care is able to suppress inflammation and restore optimum function. This naturally leads to a reduction of other adverse symptoms, such as pain and poor range of motion.

Arthritis Treatment in New Jersey

No matter which type of arthritis you have or what your specific symptoms are, you can find effective arthritis treatment at Millville Chiropractic Center. Dr. Russel Doyle, Dr. Brooke Doyle and Dr. John Fresh use holistic techniques to manipulate joints and soft tissues, and alleviate symptoms such as tenderness and muscle spasms.

Residents of Millville, Vineland, Bridgeton, Deerfield, and the surrounding areas can call (856) 327-0320 to schedule an appointment with our knowledgeable team.

Posted In: Chiropractic Arthritis Treatment